Wow, what a wonderful Passion Week at Harvest Bible Chapel, West Olive. God worked in each of the services throughout the week and then He blew the roof off on Sunday morning. With over 900 in attendance on Sunday morning, the worship was awesome as we celebrated the good news of resurrection Sunday and the fact the Jesus both lives and transforms. If you were with us, I trust you are sharing that life changing message with those around you.
During the month of May I’m going to be doing something I’ve never done in 28 years of ministry. The elders here at Harvest have asked me to “unplug” from ministry for the entire month, no preaching, no counseling, no nothing. The purpose for such a break is to give my wife and I the chance to rest and be refreshed both physically and spiritually. While I love what I do and the people with which I do it, the break is welcome and I look forward to spending time with family and catching up on some of the odd jobs that need to get done around my home. For the last ten days of the month, Renee and I will be out of town enjoying some warmer weather in South Carolina.
With this break, I obviously won’t be blogging for a month, so check back in June for the latest post. Until then, keep living your life from God’s perspective!
Enjoy the break you so deserve!!