For those readers that attend Harvest Bible Chapel, West Olive, MI, you know that for the last several weeks now, we have been engaged in a study of the return of Christ and the significant events that accompany that return. To say that God has been at work through this series would be an understatement. Two weeks ago immediately after the service a gentleman, with tears streaming down his face, came up to me and said, “I have just one thing to say, God was here today.” His comments summed up what I heard from many others. This past Sunday, many people were gathered at the steps of the platform to repent of sin and to pray that they and those they love would take sin as seriously as God does.
What I have observed over the past several weeks, both in my own heart and in the church, is this great stirring and moving of the Spirit. But as I observe this convicting work of God, the question I believe we need to ask is, moved to what? So God is moving us, we are being stirred in our hearts and spirits, but to what end? What do we do with this great sensitivity to God and His truth that has been stirred within us? As I’ve given thought to those very questions, I would suggest that we should be moved to at least four things.
1. Moved to pray
First, I believe we should be moved to pray. As God’s works in our hearts, one response to that moving and stirring of the Spirit should be to express our utter and complete dependence upon God in prayer, asking Him to continue the work that He has started, revealing areas that need to be addressed and changed, and to express our submission to His authority in our lives.
2. Moved to Urgency
Second, I believe we should be moved to urgency. It is sad to say the least, but over the years I have observed people who have been convicted by God in some way but the attitude that accompanied that convicting work was, “someday I will have to get after that thing.” Listen, if God is moving in your heart to change in some way, to repent of some sin, to do something, don’t put it off. The time to obey the moving of the Spirit is now!
3. Moved to Boldness
A third way we should be moved is to boldness. When God is moving in our hearts, it ought to result in a greater living out of our faith, a faith that does hide in the shadows, but openly and boldly shouts our love for Christ. That boldness should not be just lifestyle, but words that declare who Christ is and what He has done for us.
4. Moved to Action
Finally, there should be a movement to action. Perhaps that is implied in these other things I have listed, but a stirring of God, an emotional response to God’s truth, should not be an end, but a means to an end. The question we need to ask is, what is God asking me to do? Am I being moved to repent of some specific sin, to serve in some capacity, to speak to someone, to worship? No doubt the possible actions are just about endless, but let’s be sure to ask with each stirring in our hearts, God what do you want from me, what action do you want me to take?
Heaven forbid the moving of the Spirit lasts only as long as our morning service. The next time we sense His convicting and stirring work in our lives, let’s be sure to consider the question, moved to what?
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